Elizabeth Belliveau, MSW, LICSW
Elizabeth Belliveau, MSW, LICSW is a practicing clinical social worker and has experience in a wide variety of settings, including residential programs with adolescents, juvenile justice, school-based counseling, outpatient therapy, and in-home/wrap services through the CBHI model. A Graduate of the College of the Holy Cross and Boston College Graduate School of Social Work, her practice embodies a client-centered, holistic, multi-faceted treatment approach that encourages achieving full functionality in life. Elizabeth specializes in helping clients achieve sustainable change for their lives. She holds advanced training in DBT, CBT, EMDR, ARC, TF-CBT, as well as therapeutic yoga. Elizabeth has extensive experience providing consultations and clinical supervision to practitioners, and advising on program and service development. She has presented at major conferences such as Horizons for Homeless Children, MASOC, BAEYC, NASW, and the statewide juvenile justice conference. She is a facuty member at Bay Path University Graduate School of Mental Health Counseling and Mount Wachusett Community College, and serves as an internship supervisor for local MSW students in the Worcester area. She additionally serves as a board member of NASW Central Region and the Rise Above Foundation, as well as being active with many local non-profits. She is also a Reiki practitioner.
Statement of Care: “I believe good treatment begins and ends with a foundation of treating the whole person, and that the basis of change and improvement lies at the intersection of skill development, integrative care, and authentic therapeutic relationships”.