The Enlightened Difference
At Enlightened Interventions, we are more than a just a place to get a massage. We are a wellness community, and our dedicated practitioners across our disciplines are committed to helping you achieve and sustain overall wellness for yourself and your family. We understand that massage isn't just a luxury, but a wellness necessity essential for many to maintain overall health an happiness. We offer our clients efficient and affordable access to the highest quality professionals across a variety of wellness disciplines that Worcester County has to offer, with advanced training in providing you with bodywork services that are customized for your specific needs. With us, you aren't just a client, you are a member of our wellness community, and we are here to support you and your journey.
Massage Therapy
The research is overwhelming. Massage Therapy is good medicine and promotes overall health and wellness. Did you know massage therapy can: reduce symptoms of depression, stress, and anxiety; alleviate symptoms of chronic aches and pains; and reduce chronic fatigue?
To schedule an appointment, please feel free to use our online booking system or contact: Christine Francis, LCMT at 978-660-3836
We currently offer customized massage therapy services for clients of all ages who are looking for relief from a variety of symptoms. Imagine feeling lighter, more balanced and centered, and free from the symptoms that have been plaguing you?
We know that the intricate link between our minds and bodies have necessitated the incorporation of mind-body medicine in being both preventative and treatment-oriented in approach. Our practice encourages the incorporation of body-based wellness services, and is pleased to offer custom, client-centered massage therapy services to clients at an affordable rate. Our Licensed Massage Therapist will work collaboratively with you to utilize massage in a way that will help you achieve your wellness goals and leave you feeling refreshed and renewed. You will notice immediate and sustainable positive changes in your mind, body, and spirit, and will notice the alleviation of symptoms deepen with every visit.
Let us help you make massage a regular part of your wellness routine that helps ou meet your goals for your mind, body, and spirit.

"Had the best experience ever! It was my first official massage. Christine walked me through what she was going to do, allowing me to choose what I may or may not have been comfortable with.It was an extremely relaxing experience and I will definitely be booking another session with her in the near future."
Payment and Reimbursement for Massage Services
We believe that wellness benefits are a necessary part of any integrative wellness plan, and are committed to working with our clients to help them access all services they will benefit from. We are pleased to support clients in researching multiple ways to support massage therapy services.
We offer competitive prices and discounted massage packages for clients, and will help you create a plan that is the best fit for you.
Please also note that many insurance companies offer wellness benefits built into their plans, and that we encourage clients to contact their carriers prior to session to see if they are eligible for reimbursement.
Fallon Health Plan: Please access the member "Naturally Well Program", which provides resources for massage therapy services, which we are happy to accept at a 10% off discount.
BCBS: As preferred massage and reflexology provider of BCBS of Massachusetts, we are happy to offer 10% services to BCBS members. Additionally, we encourage BCBS members to contact member services or their member benefits booklet. These can be found here: https://www.bluecrossma.com/wps/portal/members/home/
Dr Oz Talks About the Benefits of Massage Therapy for Health